If you think you or someone you know has been bullied or harassed, there is a variety of support options and resources available to students and staff. 

Support at Durham University

(Note: Please click on the headings for further information)

Internal Support for Students and Staff

We have a network of bullying and harassment support advisors that can assist staff and students with enquiries and can answer questions on University policies and sources of help and support. They act as a first point of contact for those who feel they have experienced, or have been accused of, harassment or bullying.

We have a team of trained and experienced practitioners who are available all year round to registered students via self-referral and to staff members via a referral from Occupational Health. Our counsellors can offer time-limited individual sessions to help you develop insight into your thoughts and feelings, and help build the skills to manage your wellbeing and make changes in your life.

Chaplains are an integral part of the welfare provision and pastoral support that the University offers both to staff and students. Chaplains at Durham are either based in Colleges where their care is for all members of College, or they work across the University where the Chaplain usually represents a particular denomination or faith community (though they are still available to everyone).


Internal Support for Students

Support for students is available from all colleges. The college support officers can be approached by students for general guidance on what to do if they have been subject to any instances of harassment or bullying. 
Independent support is also available to students through the Help and Advice Service at the Students’ Union.

Nightline is a student-run, non-directive, non-advisory listening service open every night of term between 21:00 and 07:00. It enables students to talk to another student confidentially. Their contact number (0191 334 6444) along with other emergency contacts can be found at the back of Durham University campus cards.

Internal Support for Staff

Line managers

A staff member’s line manager has a neutral role to listen and to suggest a possible way forward. They can also advise you of procedures, both informal and formal and provide you with a copy of the policy and procedures.

The University has a team of Human Resource (HR) Business Partners and Advisors who can talk through the University’s procedures, how to make a report and what other support options are available, in confidence.
The Occupational Health Service is part of the University’s Human Resources team. Occupational health advisers maintain an autonomous role within the University and provide an accessible, confidential service for all staff.


External Support and Resources

The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) has a number of accessible online resources regarding bullying and harassment at work.
They are a UK-based charity dedicated to improving the wellbeing and mental health of workers in Further and Higher Education. They offer free, confidential help and support.

They provide further information on bullying as well as suggestions on how to deal with bullying.
They can provide support and information if you are having a difficult time, are struggling to cope or if you are worried about someone else. They have a team of volunteers who are available to be contacted any time through their Helpline: 116 123. This number is free to call from both landlines and mobiles, including pay-as-you-go mobiles. You can also email them through: jo@samaritans.org.

Talking changes is a self-help, counselling and talking therapies service designed to help anyone living in the County Durham and Darlington area to help deal with common mental health problems.

There are two ways you can tell us what happened