You have chosen to report anonymously. Reporting anonymously does not allow you to identify either yourself or the person(s) you are reporting on.
We will not be able to offer direct advice or initiate an investigation or formal process on the basis of an anonymous report.
We use anonymous reports to better understand the issues impacting our University community, to monitor patterns, and to shape our prevention of, and response to, unwanted behaviour.
If you would prefer, you can make a report with contact details. If you make a report with contact details you can request to speak to someone about the report and support options available or make a report for the purpose of requesting that the University take further action.By submitting this form, you agree to the use of the information you provide as detailed in the Privacy Notice and one or more of the following policies:
- Staff Concerns Policy
- Student Complaint Procedure (Individuals and Behaviour) and Code of Practice and Procedures for Students to make a Complaint about Harassment
- Sexual Misconduct and Violence Policy.