You have chosen to report with contact details. This means someone in the University can respond and if requested, take action.
This report will remain confidential and the information contained in it will only be passed on to relevant and specifically trained staff members as required to investigate the incident where appropriate. We will not disclose any personal or identifiable information to others unless we believe there is a genuine threat to a person’s health and safety.
If an assault has just taken place and you are not in a safe place, feel at risk, or have any injuries that require urgent attention, please call the emergency services on 999. Emergency numbers can also be found at the back of your campus card.By submitting this form, you agree to the use of the information you provide as detailed in the Privacy Notice and one or more of the following policies:
- Staff Concerns Policy
- Student Complaint Procedure (Individuals and Behaviour) and Code of Practice and Procedures for Students to make a Complaint about Harassment
- Sexual Misconduct and Violence Policy.