Sexual misconduct and violence is an umbrella term which captures a range of behaviours including rape, attempted rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, indecent exposure, image-based sexual abuse or so called “Revenge Porn”, and stalking.

The University definition of Sexual Misconduct and Violence is: any unwanted conduct of a sexual nature which occurred in person or by letter, telephone, text, email or other electronic and/or social media and includes, but is not limited to, the following behaviour:

  • Engaging, or attempting to engage in a sexual act with another individual without consent;
  • Sexually touching another person without their consent;
  • Conduct of a sexual nature which creates (or could create) an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating, or offensive environment for others including making unwanted remarks of a sexual nature;
  • Inappropriately showing sexual organs to another person;
  • Repeatedly following another person without good reason;
  • Recording and/or sharing intimate images or recordings of another person without their consent; and
  • Arranging or participating in events which may reasonably be assumed to cause degradation and humiliation to those who have experienced sexual violence, for example inappropriately themed social events or initiations.

There are two ways you can tell us what happened